This file is part of the LCONF-Data-Serialization-Format-Standard Documentation.

Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, peter1000

4. LCONF Section

A sequence of Unicode characters starting with a LCONF_SECTION_START token and ending with the first found LCONF_SECTION_END token. A LCONF-Section MUST NOT contain any additional LCONF_SECTION_START tokens.

Below is an example of a LCONF-Text containing two LCONF-Sections and additional text.

Any text before or after a valid LCONF-Section is considered additional text.

___SECTION :: 4 :: LCONF :: Example1
Color :: Blue
FONT :: Liberation Mono

Some more intermitten text followed by a second LCONF-Section.

___SECTION :: 4 :: LCONF :: Example2
Color :: Red
FONT :: Open Sans

A valid but Empty LCONF-Section.

___SECTION :: 2 :: LCONF :: Example

A valid but not recommendet LCONF-Section. It is valid because any Text befor the LCONF_SECTION_START token is disregarded - so the actual data starts without any indentation and is the same as the previous Example.

Any text before or after a valid LCONF-Section is considered additional text.___SECTION :: 2 :: LCONF :: Example

Every LCONF-Section has a LCONF-Section-Name defined in the LCONF-Section-Start-Line.

___SECTION :: 2 :: LCONF :: Example Section Name

4.1. Section Start Line


Each LCONF-Section-Start-Line MUST

Example of a LCONF-Section-Start-Line.

___SECTION :: 4 :: LCONF :: Menu Configuration`
___SECTION :: 4 :: STRICT :: Menu Configuration Schema Definition`
___SECTION :: 4 :: FLEXIBLE :: Menu Configuration Schema Definition`

4.2. Whitespace characters

LCONF-Sections MUST NOT contain any whitespace character except LCONF_SPACEs.

LCONF-Libraries are NOT EXPECTED to validate this.

4.3. Blank & NONE Blank Line

4.4. Indentation Level

Leading whitespace (LCONF_SPACEs) at the beginning of a LCONF-Section-Line is used to compute the indentation level of the line. Within a LCONF-Section only LCONF_SPACEs can be used as indentation. The number of LCONF_SPACEs used per LCONF-Indentation-Level is set as part of the LCONF-Section-Start-Line.

The total number of spaces preceding the first non-blank character then determines the line’s indentation.

The LCONF-Data-Serialization-Format uses LCONF-Indentation for readability and as part of its structure.

4.5. Trailing Space

LCONF-Sections MUST NOT contain any lines with Trailing Space.

4.6. Comment Line

LCONF-Comment-Lines SHOULD have the indentation level of the following LCONF_NONE_BLANK_LINE.

The LCONF-Data-Serialization-Format makes a distinction between two types of LCONF-Comment-Lines:

Example of a LCONF-Section-Comment-Line.

___SECTION :: 4 :: LCONF :: Example
# Comment-Line more info: Registry is a STRUCTURE_SINGLE_BLOCK
. Registry
    Name :: Tom Serjo
    - EmailAddresses
        # Comment-Line should have the indentation level of the following LCONF_NONE_BLANK_LINE

    # Comment-Line should have the indentation level of the following LCONF_NONE_BLANK_LINE

    City :: Paris

It is RECOMMENDED that any LCONF-Comment-Line uses at least one LCONF_SPACE after the LCONF_COMMENT_LINE_IDENTIFIER.

___SECTION :: 4 :: LCONF :: Example
#Comment-Line without space between the Identifier and the comment is valid but SHOUD BE AVOIDED.
Name :: Tom Serjo

# EmailAddresses: Usually one should use one space between the Identifier and the comment text.
#                 But sometimes one wants to aline a multi-line comment in a certain style.
- EmailAddresses
City :: Paris

Example of LCONF-Schema-Comment-Lines which are parsed.

___SECTION :: 4 :: STRICT :: lconf_standard_example1
/ <FamilyName>: Please use for the first letter uppercase followed by lowercase letters.
/               e.g. `Williams`
    DEFAULT ::